I did the #GirlBoss thing, and then I quit. Here’s why I paused my marketing business and jumped back into the workforce.


1.      I was no longer excited about doing business development, or outreach in my own business.

2.       Working for myself didn’t align with my deeper desires for influence and impact.

3.       I didn’t feel connected to our local business community and economy and didn’t want to miss an opportunity to make a difference on a larger scale.

4.       I missed working on a larger team, focusing on marketing instead of EVERYTHING else that goes with running a business. It’s nice to have an IT department 😊

5.       Exciting leadership opportunities within the community.

6.       The stress of inconsistent income and the power of a paycheck.

7.       Trusting my gut, putting my ego aside, and giving permission to explore further.

8.       The online business space was crowded with mixed, crappy advice that resembled a stinky dumpster fire. I am not about manipulation, dishonesty, and inflated overpromised results. But Aga, that’s just a ‘scarcity’ mindset. IYKYK

Hey Sis - I’m here to remind you that you are MAGIC 💫

Join me as we rewrite the stories that have held women back.

Society has bombarded us with messages that we're not smart enough, not skinny enough, not worthy enough. But guess what?

It's time to flip the script.

You, my friend, are pure magic. Infinitely wise, creative, nurturing, and powerful.

It's in our very essence as divine feminine beings. By embracing our gifts and talents, we reclaim control and illuminate paths for others to follow.

Together, we shatter self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Let's step boldly into our magic, even as we return to the workforce.

I want every woman to recognize her true worth, to confidently step into job interviews, and to earn a fair wage for her skills and experience.

This, my dear, is how we change the world. One financially free, fully expressed, inner wisdom trusting woman at a time. 


Intentional Support for Women Reentering the Workforce


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